China Report: Monetary Policy and Green Finance

Author: Alex Barkawi

Inquiry Publications

  • Monetary Policy and Sustainability – The Case of Bangladesh

    Date: 20-Aug-2015

    Central banks have wide ranging effects on the economy and society as a whole. Their decisions on monetary policy and sustainability are closely intertwined but the links between the mandates, objectives and instruments of central banks and a broad sustainability agenda are rarely reflected in policy debates. This report focuses on monetary policy and its

  • China Report: Monetary Policy and Green Finance

    Date: 06-Oct-2015

    Monetary policy has been largely neglected in the worldwide discussions on green finance. Similarly, most central banks have not even started thinking about their role in helping society reach its environmental objectives and about the potential implications of environmental degradation for their mandates. Bringing light to this blind spot is critical. This report aims to

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