
Environmental Data Dialogues in Mexico

Country Paper

Authors: Marcos Mancini   

Published By: UNEP Inquiry   

Date: Dec 2018

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Environmental Data Dialogues in Mexico

The objective of this paper is to catalyse a dialogue between environmental data suppliers in Mexico (e.g. National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Environment and Natural Resource Secretary (SEMARNAT), National Biodiversity Commission (CONABIO)) and environmental data users (e.g. banks, insurance companies, asset managers, asset owners) in order to further integrate the use of publicly available environmental data (PAED) at each stage of the financial supply chain.

To advance this environmental data dialogue to generate a more efficient and effective environmental data ecosystem for financial decision-making, a framework is presented together with some exploratory options:

  1. Improved PAED Quality, Provision and Supporting Technologies
  2. Taxonomies and Standards
  3. Improve Understanding of Dependencies and Impacts on Natural Capital by the Business Sector
  4. Prioritize Impacts and Dependencies to Natural Capital Assets and Drivers of Change Within Those Assets
  5. Integrate into Financial Supply Chain
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