- CHINA DAILY: Digital Finance Catalyst for Greener Global Economy
- THOMSON REUTERS: An Unusual Collaboration Launches into the World of Finance
- HUFFINGTON POST: 2017: What Next for Green Finance?
- ECO-BUSINESS: Why Developing Nations are the Unlikely Leaders of Green Finance
- IISD: Greening Digital Finance
- HUFFINGTON POST: Moving the Money in Marrakech
- CHINA DAILY: China takes lead in green finance
- FINANCIAL TIMES: Fintech should be eco-friendly
- THIS IS AFRICA: Climate consensus: Finding the funds
- LA TRIBUNE: Climat : Réorienter les capitaux pour mettre en oeuvre l’Accord de Paris
- EL UNIVERSAL: El “Acuerdo de París” entrará pronto en vigor, es hora de que el dinero empiece a moverse
- WORLD BANK: Remarks by World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim at the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2016 Climate Ministerial
- FINANCE WATCH: Civil society groups welcome UNEP plans to measure green finance
- THOMSON REUTERS: Actions to green the financial system have doubled, BUT…
- CENTRAL BANKING: Time to focus on green finance as Paris Agreement set to enter into force
- CAIXIN: 巴黎协议亟需金融配合
- SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: For the Paris climate deal to succeed, the money must flow
- BUSINESS DAY: Paris agreement will soon come into force — now we need to move the money
- THE HUFFINGTON POST: The Paris Agreement Will Soon Enter Into Force: Now We Need To Move The Money
- CENTRAL BANKING: Central banks must do more on green finance – UN report
- FORTUNE: What Bankers Can Do To Tackle Climate Change
- NEW YORK TIMES: How To Raise Trillions For Green Investment
- THE NEW TIMES: Africa Must Take Lead in Financing Own Green Investment, Says UN’s Carlos Lopes
- CINCODÍAS: ¿Un sistema financiero que asegure el desarrollo sostenible?
- CHINA DAILY: Quiet Financial Revolution Nurtures Green Growth
- CHINA DAILY: Green Finance Provides Fast Lane for Cleaner Future
- PROJECT SYNDICATE: The G20 Embraces Green Finance
- LE MONDE: Quelle sera la place financière la plus « verte »?
- THOMSON REUTERS: G20 Shifts into a Green Gear on Finance
- CAIXIN: G20 Must ‘Reset’ Global Economy to Fund Low-carbon Development