by Jo Confino
In Davos, Switzerland, the elite will not put up with anything other than perfect ski slopes – even if the climate change they are helping to create is stopping nature from doing the task herself.
by Nick Robins
Over the next five years, India faces one of the world’s biggest challenges – ending financial “untouchability” for 100 million families, bringing clean, affordable and reliable supplies of water and energy to all of its 1.3 billion inhabitants, and investing in the enterprises that will provide livelihoods for an extra 10 million jobseekers each year.
by Simon Zadek
As some of us move to year end, and all of us hopefully get a break or at least temporary slow down in the intensive work flow, I wanted to highlight a few of the Inquiry`s outputs that punctuate what for us has been an extraordinary journey to date.
by Simon Zadek
[Re-blogged from] Today, and over the coming days, the UNEP Inquiry is co-hosting an academic symposium on aspects of a sustainable financial system with the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Waterloo, Canada. There is rightly much value placed by the deep technical expertise working in the field on demonstrable rigor, including the conceptual
by Simon Zadek
The announcement last week of a deal between China and the US on climate may be a breakthrough development for international climate negotiations in Paris in late 2015. But the fact that China has signaled willingness to set an absolute cap on its carbon emissions may allow President Obama to argue domestically that the international conditions for action have been fulfilled. This in turn may enable him to advance a US target, which could catalyze an ambitious global deal to keep climate change within manageable boundaries.
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