
Asset Pools : Bonds

Bonds are the largest single asset class in the financial system, currently valued at about US$100 trillion. They are an important means of raising long-term debt, particularly for assets with relatively predictable risks and returns. There are two interlinked public policy priorities for bonds:
  • Enable the growth of green bonds: Green bond markets are growing, however they require credible and ultimately verifiable standards to ensure market integrity. Other measures include developing the pipeline of green bonds, aggregating and sececuritising smaller projects and improving returns through tax credits and incentives.
  • Greening of bond markets: Mainstream bond markets should integrate environmental, social and governance factors into routine credit ratings.

Inquiry Publications

  • The Financial System We Need: From Momentum to Transformation

    Date: 29-Sep-2016

    Download the policy summary: [AR] [CH] [EN] [ES] [FR] [PT] [RU] Download the individual chapters: Chapter 1: Mapping the momentum | Chapter 2: Harnessing financial technology for sustainable development | Chapter 3: Measuring performance | Chapter 4: Steps towards transformation Our follow-up annual report reveals a doubling in policy actions over the past five years to align the global financial system with sustainable

  • Making Waves

    Date: 17-Apr-2018

    The Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System was initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme to advance options to align the financial system with sustainable development. ‘Making Waves: Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development’ is its final, global report. This report reviews the Inquiry’s core analysis, summarizes progress made in aligning

  • A Review of International Financial Standards as They Relate to Sustainable Development

    Date: 22-Feb-2017

    The report, a companion to the second edition of “The Financial System We Need”, examines how the international financial standards currently relate to the goals of sustainable development and explores opportunities for better alignment as a way to promote greater stability, resilience and fairness to the financial system. The key messages are: Financial standards have

  • Establishing China’s Green Financial System: Progress Report

    Date: 16-Nov-2017

    The report finds that China – which put green finance on the G20 agenda during its 2016 presidency – is following through on its political commitment to boost the financing required to do this. The report looks particularly at progress since the State Council in August 2016 approved a set of recommendations for action on

  • Sustainable Infrastructure and Finance

    Date: 13-Jun-2016

    Infrastructure is often referred to as the backbone of the global economy and plays a fundamental role in societies by enhancing the quality of life and increasing productivity. In addition to its effects on society and the economy, infrastructure can have significant impacts on the environment, depending on the choice of infrastructure. Approximately 75% of

  • Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development in the United States of America

    Date: 01-Feb-2016

    The US financial system is undoubtedly among the largest, most innovative and most sophisticated in the world. It is also clear that this is both a benefit and an impediment to non-governmental investment in sustainability and inclusiveness. To date, the actual investment in infrastructure and sustainability does not meet current needs, especially those related to maintaining

  • Greening the Financial System: Enhancing Competitiveness Through Economic Development

    Date: 16-May-2017

    This briefing summarises the discussions held during a roundtable for market and policy leaders in Washington, D.C. on 20 April 2017. The goal of the event was to explore pathways to scale and speed up green finance and to harness its benefits for long-term sustainable growth and competitiveness. The key messages are: Green finance made

  • India Country Report

    Date: 29-Apr-2016

    An India Advisory Council of the UNEP India Inquiry was convened by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). This report highlights key proposals emerging from their discussions for aligning the Indian financial system with sustainability. In the Indian context, they call for development of a more robust and resilient ‘sustainability-oriented market framework’ focused

  • Indonesia Country Report

    Date: 30-Apr-2015

    Placing Indonesia’s economy onto a green and sustainable development pathway, as envisaged in the National Long Term Development Plan, will require a large mobilization of investment. Estimates of the annual investment needed are in the order of US$300‐530 billion, with a large portion of this investment needed in critical infrastructure, as well as environmentally sensitive

  • Scaling up Green Bond Market for Sustainable Development

    Date: 09-Dec-2015

    This guide argues that with the right support in place USD 1 trillion of green bonds could be issued a year by 2020 – providing a significant contribution to closing the investment gap for climate-friendly infrastructure in both developed economies and emerging markets. It argues for several sets of policy actions to support and enable the green

Further Readings

  • EU Low-Carbon Investment and New Financial Sector Regulation: What Impacts and What Policy Response?

    Spencer, T, Stevenson, J. ( 2013).  IDDRI SciencesPo Working Paper No 513.

  • Credit Rating Agencies: Reducing Reliance And Strengthening Oversight

    Financial Stability Board (2013). Progress Report to G20 29 August 2013. Basel: FSB.

  • State of the Climate Bonds Market 2014

    Climate Bonds Initiative (2015). London: Climate Bonds Initiative.

  • A Roadmap for Sustainable Capital Markets

    Aviva (2014). Aviva.

  • A New Angle on Sovereign Credit Risk. E-RISC: Environmental Risk Integration in Sovereign Credit Analysis

    UNEP (2013). Phase 1 Report. UNEP Finance Initiative.

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