Institutional investment

Asset Pools : Institutional investment

With nearly US$100 trillion under management, institutional investors, including investment funds, pension funds, insurance companies, endowments and sovereign wealth funds are, after banks, the largest asset holders across all asset classes Policy packages include:
  • Align the design of pension and other investment systems with sustainability. Clarify fiduciary law and guidance and requirements for the skills and capabilities of fiduciaries. Build consumer literacy and require that funds report on sustainable performance and policies.
  • Resetting market and public incentive structures would help stimulate demand for sustainable investment products. Market codes can encourage asset owners to align incentives down the chain, notably for investment consultants, asset managers and investment analysts. Policymakers could review the effective use of fiscal incentives for saving to drive long-term finance for the real economy.

Inquiry Publications

  • China Green Finance Task Force Report: Green Investor Networks

    Date: 02-Apr-2015

    This paper set out the case for financial institutes and associations in China to establish  a green investor network, to monitor investees’ performance of their environmental obligations, foster green investment capabilities, and hold educational programs. Internationally, green investor networks such as the UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Principles for Responsible Investment have played a

  • China Green Finance Task Force Report: Development Banks

    Date: 02-Apr-2015

    China is supporting investment in developing countries through the BRICS Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Invesment Bank and the Silk Road Fund. It aims to draw upon the experiences and rules of other multilateral development agencies to ensure that this financing  encourages environmentally and socially responsible investment. The paper offers some recommendations on how the BRICS Development Bank, the AIIB and the

  • Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century

    Date: 08-Sep-2015

    This report is based on an analysis of investment practice and fiduciary duty in eight countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Africa, the UK and the US. It is based on interviews, roundtables and webinars with asset owners, investment managers, lawyers and regulators and a comprehensive review of law and policy on fiduciary duty. The purpose of this

  • The Case for Investor Engagement in Public Policy

    Date: 06-Mar-2015

    This report aims: To show why public policy engagement is essential for long-term investors. To give examples of how investors have engaged in public policy and the lessons learned. To offer practical recommendations for long-term investors, policymakers and the PRI to better integrate environmental, social and governance factors in the public policymaking process.

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